Holcomb Kreithen Plastic Surgery and MedSpa

1 South School Avenue #800, Sarasota, FL, 34237

Phone: 941.348.1243


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About us

Holcomb Kreithen Plastic Surgery and MedSpa is among the most comprehensive in Florida with many options for minimally invasive and non-surgical contouring of the face and body, state-of-the-art laser and skin care centers and an Aesthetic and Wellness Medicine specialist to help patients refine their appearance and optimize their inner physical well being.

Facial Sculpting and Rejuvenation

Dr. J. David Holcomb, M.D. believes in a balanced and natural approach to facial sculpting and rejuvenation using the patient's own tissues where possible along with advanced laser techniques that he developed for sculpting the face and neck.

Dr. Holcomb offers several Facelift options, each designed to meet the specific needs of an individual patient. Before deciding on a procedure, a consultation appointment will be required. This provides time for the surgeon to review each patient's medical history, perform a thorough facial evaluation, and learn about the patient's goals for surgery.

Eyelid Surgery, also known as a Blepharoplasty, is a minor surgical procedure designed to remove excess, lax skin and bulging fat pads on the upper or lower eyelids. As the first signs of aging are often noticed in the eye area, the eyelid lift can be used to dramatically improve the appearance while turning back the hands of time. A Blepharoplasty can brighten the eyes, refresh the face, and take away the tired, puffy look.

Brow Lift
The Brow Lift is a surgical procedure designed to open up the eye area, reducing or eliminating the tired, angry look that comes from a drawn, creased forehead. Sometimes referred to as a Forehead Lift, the procedure lifts the brow and removes excess tissue/weight from the upper eyelids.

Cheek Implants
True volume loss may also accompany age-related fat redistribution resulting in cheeks that look sunken or flat, even giving the appearance of an unhealthy look in some. Cheek augmentation is a plastic surgery procedure designed to enhance the look and proportion of the cheeks through the use of an implant. Cheek implants can add prominence to the cheekbones and balance the facial features.

Fat Transfer (Lipografting)
Facial volume changes over time. Most of us gradually lose soft tissue volume in the temples, tear trough areas, cheeks, lips and soft tissues around the mouth. In addition, some of our existing youthful soft tissue volume naturally falls downward over time – both in the midface and at the jawline – leading to gradual development of nasolabial (smile) folds and jowls.

Lip Lift
Patients concerned about loss of lip volume and/or inward rotation of the line that surrounds the red parts of the lip may benefit from lip enhancement procedures such as lip augmentation, lip advancement, sub nasal lift, and corner lift.

Neck Contouring / Lifting
As people age or experience fluctuations in their weight, the neck can become heavy and ill-defined. Early findings of slight fullness under the chin (submentum) and/or mild skin laxity in this area may progress to greater heaviness and skin laxity. Depending on the severity the condition may be described as a double chin or a turkey neck. As the severity of submental fullness and neck skin laxity increases the youthful well-defined sharp jaw neck angle (cervicomental angle) becomes less well-defined. Neck Contouring or Neck Lift can provide a dramatic improvement in the definition between neck and chin.

The Otoplasty is a surgical procedure designed to improve the shape of the ear. Problems with development of the ear may include over development of the Conchal Bowl Cartilage (a 'cup ear'), a failed development of the anti-helical fold (a 'lop ear'), or ears that unusually protrude from the head. Patients experiencing these or other issues of the ear may find great benefit from the Otoplasty procedure.

The Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure designed to improve aesthetic and functional concerns of the nose. The problems experienced may be present from birth, or may be due a nasal injury. Aesthetic issues can include dorsal fullness (hump on bridge of nose), asymmetry (example: crooked nasal bridge and/or tip), excessive width or the nasal bones, excessively narrow middle nasal vault, wide or bulbous nasal tip, drooping nasal tip and overly wide or narrow nostrils to name a few. Functional problems experienced may include chronic congestion or stuffiness, as well as the inability to breathe through one or both sides of the nose.

The decision to undergo facial plastic surgery can be an emotional one. Fortunately, with the right assistance, it can also be a wonderful experience that will bring a whole new level of self-confidence to your life. While many plastic surgeons work on all parts of the body, Dr. Holcomb specializes in aesthetic procedures and surgery of the nose and face, as well as cosmetic laser treatments for your skin. This focus should not be overlooked in importance when it comes to surgical and laser therapy of the intricate anatomy of the face. From understanding your best options to explaining each procedure and its benefits, Dr. Holcomb has the experience and expertise to safely restore the youthful, vibrant look you've been searching for.

Hours of Operation

8:00 AM
5:30 PM
8:00 AM
5:30 PM
8:00 AM
5:30 PM
8:00 AM
5:30 PM
8:00 AM
5:30 PM